Welcome to Revise Law, a unique website that allows law students and those studying case law a chance to see details of previous court cases. Looking at a range of law sections you can see case summaries of hundreds of well-known cases.

Revise Case Law

Revise Case Law

This handy law revision tool is aimed at those studying the subject of law and gives a unique insight into hundreds of past cases. It is designed to make studying case law easy with clear case summaries for you to read at leisure. Unlike other websites that provide similar information, Revise Law can be accessed easily from all devices due to its responsive design.

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What is Case Law?

Case law, also known as common law, refers to the body of law developed through judicial decisions in legal cases, as opposed to statutory law that is created by legislatures. Case law serves as a precedent for future cases, providing guidance for judges to apply legal principles and interpret the law.

In common law systems, such as those in the UK, US, and Australia, stare decisis and precedent principles are central to the legal system. This means that lower courts must follow the decisions of higher courts in similar cases and that previous decisions are binding on future cases. This allows for consistency and predictability in the law.

Case law is created when a judge makes a decision in a particular case and issues a written judgment explaining the legal reasoning behind the decision. This judgment is then published and becomes part of the body of legal precedent. Judges may also refer to previous cases and legal principles to support their decision-making.

Case law covers a wide range of legal areas, including criminal law, contract law, tort law, property law, and more. It provides a flexible and adaptable framework for the law to evolve and respond to changing social, economic, and political circumstances.

Overall, case law is an important source of law in common law systems, providing a rich and evolving body of legal principles that guide the interpretation and application of the law.

Studying Case Law

Studying law involves learning about the principles, rules, and practices that govern the legal system. Law is a vast and complex field that covers a wide range of topics, including criminal law, contract law, tort law, property law, constitutional law, and more.

To become a lawyer, you typically need to complete a law degree from an accredited law school and pass the bar exam in your jurisdiction. Law school typically takes three years to complete and involves intensive study of legal concepts, theories, and case law. During law school, you may also have the opportunity to participate in internships or clinical programs to gain practical experience in the legal field.

Studying law requires strong analytical skills, critical thinking, and attention to detail. You will need to read and interpret complex legal documents and be able to apply legal principles to different situations. Effective communication skills are also essential, as you will need to argue cases, negotiate with clients and other parties, and write legal briefs and opinions.

In addition to formal education, it is important to stay up-to-date with changes in the law and legal practices as well as legal jargon. This can involve reading legal journals and publications, attending conferences and seminars, and participating in professional organizations and networks.

Overall, studying law can be a challenging and rewarding experience, offering opportunities to make a positive impact in society and the legal profession.