Introduction to Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester

Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester is a significant case that played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of police liability in the United Kingdom. This case, which reached the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court), deals with issues related to police negligence and duty of care. In this article, we will explore the background, legal issues, the court’s decision, and the lasting impact of Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester on police liability and the field of tort law.

Factual Background

  1. The Parties Involved
    • Robert Vellino (Plaintiff): A victim of a violent assault who was stabbed and seriously injured.
    • Greater Manchester Police (Defendant): The police force responsible for law enforcement in the Greater Manchester area.
  2. The Assault Incident
    • Robert Vellino was stabbed during a violent assault, and the assailant fled the scene.
    • The police were called to the scene, but they failed to apprehend the assailant promptly.
  3. Negligence Allegations
    • Vellino alleged that the police were negligent in their response to the assault.
    • He claimed that their delay in capturing the assailant had exacerbated his injuries.

Legal Issues Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester

The central legal issues in Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester revolved around police negligence and the existence of a duty of care.

  1. Police Negligence
    • Did the police act negligently in their response to the violent assault on Robert Vellino?
    • Could their actions or inactions be considered a breach of their duty of care towards the victim?
  2. Duty of Care
    • Did the police owe a duty of care to individuals like Robert Vellino in situations where they were responding to criminal incidents?

Court’s Decision

The House of Lords in Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester held that the police had acted negligently and breached their duty of care toward the victim. This marked a significant development in the law of negligence and police liability.

  1. Recognition of a Duty of Care
    • The House of Lords recognized that in certain circumstances, the police owe a duty of care to individuals who may be harmed by the actions or inactions of the police.
  2. Breach of Duty of Care
    • The court found that the police’s failure to promptly apprehend the assailant amounted to a breach of their duty of care.
    • This breach of duty was a significant factor in the exacerbation of Vellino’s injuries.
  3. Impact on the Case
    • Vellino was awarded damages for the injuries he sustained and the pain and suffering he endured.

Legal SignificanceVellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester

Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester had profound implications for police liability and the field of tort law.

  1. Recognition of Duty of Care
    • The case established the principle that police owe a duty of care to individuals in specific situations, especially when they respond to incidents that pose a risk of harm.
  2. Standard of Care
    • The decision set a standard for the duty of care owed by the police, emphasizing the importance of prompt and appropriate action in responding to criminal incidents.
  3. Negligence Claims
    • Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester paved the way for individuals to pursue negligence claims against the police in cases where the duty of care is breached.
  4. Accountability
    • The case underscored the importance of accountability in law enforcement, ensuring that the police are held responsible for their actions or inactions when it leads to harm.

Contemporary Relevance

Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester remains highly relevant in modern tort law and police liability, serving as a precedent for cases involving police negligence.

  1. Accountability in Law Enforcement
    • The case continues to be a cornerstone for holding law enforcement agencies accountable for their actions in responding to incidents.
    • It reminds the police that they must exercise their duties with care and promptness.
  2. Negligence Claims
    • The case has set the stage for other negligence claims against the police, particularly in cases involving delayed responses or inadequate actions.
  3. Public Trust
    • Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester plays a crucial role in maintaining public trust in law enforcement, as it reinforces the idea that the police are not immune to liability.


Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester is a landmark case that reshaped the legal landscape surrounding police liability and negligence in the United Kingdom. The decision by the House of Lords affirmed the duty of care that the police owe to individuals in certain situations and emphasized the importance of a prompt and appropriate response in maintaining public safety. This case serves as a reminder that even law enforcement agencies are not above the law and must be held accountable for their actions or inactions when they result in harm to individuals. Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester continues to influence contemporary tort law and remains a critical precedent for cases involving police negligence and duty of care.